Comfort in quarantine
Have you heard about a substantial amount of people getting dogs during the COVID-19 pandemic? I am one of those people. I've always wanted a dog, but because of work, I never thought it a good idea to actual get one. Well, now that I am "quarantined" at home 24/7, it was the perfect time. On April 24th, 2020, I ventured to LaGuardia Airport in New York City to pick up Ringo from baggage claim. He was just 8 weeks old then and some calm and quiet. That quickly changed.
He is a miniature Australian Shepherd and has SO MUCH ENERGY. I knew the breed has a lot of energy, but "a lot" is relative I suppose. I don't understand how people get puppies when they have to commute to an office everyday for work. Despite how tired I am every day keeping an eye on Ringo, it is fun and comforting to have him around during this time and very rewarding when he learns a new trick. So far Ringo can sit, lay down, shake, high-five (It's a stretch. Ringo probably thinks it's a shake.) and play fetch. Now, to just get him to have 0 accidents in the apartment. *sigh* Baby steps!