A cat that doesn't do cat things
Back in 2014, I already had one cat in a tiny studio. That was enough. Well, a friend had saved a kitten on the side of the road who appeared to be hit by a car. She took him to a vet and got him fixed up and showed up at my door asking if I'd take him in. As much as I wanted to say "No." I just couldn't! My cat, Miso, however, still wishes that I said no. Ha! I named him Nori to go with the Japanese food theme I had going on and he took to it very quickly.
For a feral cat, Nori never had any accidents in the house and was so kind and he even comes when you call him by his name. As Nori grew into an adult, I quickly learned he has doesn't always do "cat" things. He doesn't change strings or lasers or really anything. He also doesn't knead his claws into your thigh like other cats getting a pet massage. A big thing is, Nori can't really jump or at least, doesn't realize he can jump to high places. It took him about 4 years to realize he could get up on the table. Sometimes, when there' is a lower spot, he looks up and tries to jump but miscalculates. How is that possible? I thought it was just part of the nature of all cats to just jump everywhere. It's really quite funny and I'm a little thankful he doesn't jump everywhere getting into places he shouldn't. Regardless of his lack of skill in jumping, Nori is the best cat I've ever had and I'm so thankful I took him in.